Arma 3 Whole Lotta Altis
Arma 3 Whole Lotta Altis Rating: 3,9/5 7388 votes
All you need is arma 3 and the 12 player version off of the steam workshop. Once you do that private message me your steam name and I will add you then invite you to the game. It is a great mode where you take the entire island of altis.
. GATHER - Collect items from houses and store any gear you find for later use.
Arma 3 Altis Map
BUILD - Create your own populated posts and bases, draw walls, place special structures. CUSTOMIZE GEAR - Use what you have gathered to carry any weapons and clothing using custom gear selecting. MOD SUPPORT - Use any weapon/clothing/unit/vehicle/chopper/plane addons you want.
Arma 3 Whole Lotta Altis Prestige
FREEDOM - Be soldier or undercover agent, use any vehicles.