Best Nation World Of Warships
While i respect other peoples Opinions. I think the IJN DD's in the lower tiers are far more friendly than all the other tiers, it is when you get up to T7 or above that the other ranges are far superior, especially the German and USA ranges.
I like my Atlanta, far better ship than the Indianapolis. I’m trying to work out if this is clickbait by using Jingles’ name to getyoutube referrals, a sly joke because he used some footage or a dick movebecause he cut down your replay for a “Why U Heff To Be Mad” segment.I like your honesty about the kill counter but the kill had to be awardedto someone. With multiple ships firing at the same target you might as wellroll dice to see who gets it.The air kill counter is extremely bloated seeing as how you’re a top tierAA spec’d cruiser vs a fail platoon and that takes zero skill, but I hopethat taught the Langley a lesson.BTW. How many people realised that BOTH teams had T4 CV’s in a T7 match???.
Despite the amount of salt that kill stealing causes, its much less of anissue in WoWs than it is in WoTXP in WoWs is awarded based on the percentage of damage dealt to an enemyship. The most health of an enemy ship you (as a single player) take away,the more XP you get. So a person who swoops in and knocks off the last 4khealth from a 40k HP ship has gotten less XP than that guy who did theother 90% of the damage.So yea, killstealing sucks, for those who want to complete missions, but asfar as XP rewards go, theyre actually getting the short end of the stick.And besides theyre still taking a ship out of the game, and thats goodfor the whole team.As far as the Atlanta I love this ship. I recently spec’d it out of theAA escort role (because Im finding that carriers are few and far between)and into the Destroyer Hunter role and it really excels in hunting andkilling DDs.
Ive dropped the AA mod, in exchange for more main batteryaccuracy, and dropped AFT in exchange for Demolition Expert and takenVigilance coupled with running Hydroacoustic Search. Means I can seetorpedoes coming, and drop lead on DDs who think they are safe in smoke.And I can still rain hell upon ships over islands.
I could really do withsmoke instead of hydro and better torpedoes but I still quite like theship as a DD hunter..
OK, how do you rank the nations in World of Tanks in terms of power in game. I know that nation like USSR will be first in many lists, but I am curious on how other nations will rank. I do know some nations have like 1 or 2 tech trees and it is understandable to be on the bottom, but let's see:mine is:1. France & Czechoslovakia = auto loaders.3. USA & Italy = older auto loaders and re-loaders.4. Trouble is that some nations have some very strong lines and some underwhelming ones.
World Of Warships Country Guide
Take Sweden as a good example, strong TD’s but the heavies have been badly power crept.Rasha is defo the stronkest overall followed by Czech as their new heavies are pretty decent compared with the Russian and the T9 and 10 mediums are pretty strong.I’d rate Germany fairly near the bottom as the majority of its tanks have been really badly power crept and need a real rework to be properly competitive again.Edited by spuff, 11 October 2018 - 01:37 PM. Ranked by terms of most keepers in%. And how much they fit my style of play etc. I suspect it would look something like this1: UK. Most of their tanks fit my style perfectly.
Especially most of their meds.2: US. Solid all rounders on most tiers, and fun keepers on all tiers from 5 and up.3: France. Their LT's is the only reason they are this high. As most of their fun tanks are on tier 8+ on the other lines tbh.4: USSR. Armor can only get you that far. But still some solid all-rounders on most tiers.5: Japan. Chi-Ri OP, plz nerf6: Sweden.
Swedish Leo is the only reason they are not lower. That is everything I like in my meds in one package.7: Germany.
Some gems here and there, but like the French, it's not fun before you get higher up on most lanes.8: Czech. Tier 6 was the first fun tank there, then it was rather daft until the tier 9.9: Italian. Mostly trash lower down, mid tiers get's the job done, but that's about it.
Tier 8 was fantasic. Not played more.10: Chinese. Mostly copycats. Their lights did suffer the most IMO from the LT changes. Some of their TD's were a bit fun, and saves them from the last spot.11: Polish, because I've only found one fun tank so far. And they also had the worst grind I've ever seen on a tier 6.
In order to not make this too complicated I've limited myself to only tier 10s since that's the endgame content. I will go with favorites instead of power1) Germany, dunno why it clicks so much to me, i love the leopard and i can count on most of the guns this nation offers, weakness and power creep exist in all their glory but once you overcome them they rule2) China, Alpha Alpha Alpha. High alpha guns allow you to take a serious punch and make your opponents cower when they see you, of course you have to earn it through working around the gun depression3) France, Just for the scout-med line. Play it correctly and you can rule most of the games that you play4) USA.
Autoloaders and Derp guns a really interesting gameplay to me5) USSR. I despise it so much it feels like a cheat nation-Rest I didn't even bother.