Fallout 3 Washington Dc

Fallout 3 Washington Dc Rating: 3,6/5 2490 votes

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Fallout 3 is going to be a very big game. The latest title developed by the company that brought you The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Bethesda, promises a gaming experience of over, with the addition of (Downloadable Content) packs after the initial launch.

Fallout 3 Washington Dc

Washington D.C. Resident John Cangany sent us a tip this morning about a Fallout 3 advertisement he saw in the Metro last night and subsequently blogged about. Amused by this ad push in Fallout 3. Players will be deployed in the ruins of United States Of America especially in the ruins of Washington DC. The plot and storyline of Fallout 3 are set in a post apocalyptic open world environment, which is known as Capital Wasteland. And as usual the game takes place in an alternate timeline known as the Fallout World. Players will mainly play the game in the year of 2077 also known as “The Great War Era”. Fallout 3 free download is the only game that features multiple timelines at once. I know Washington DC doesn't have skyscrapers in real life. Yes, I know about height codes. Fallout 3 takes place in an alternate timeline that continues advancing technologically for over 50 years into the future, so please do not post about whether or not this is lore friendly or realistic.

Set to occur in a post apocalyptic future where the dominating nations have waged a nuclear war, its action unfolds in a bombed out Washington DC. As the game is set to hit the United States shelves on October 28, with other territories getting it on October 31 or early December, Bethesda is really getting the hype up around this title.Part of this marketing campaign are the ads the company is posting in the game's main city, Washington. Bethesda has rented all of the ad space in the DC subway station Metro Center, and is currently showing images from the game, featuring the post apocalyptic city, with famous landmarks like the Washington Monument, in ruins.These images certainly had an impact on the people who frequent that subway station, as a report from Digital Metropolis states, 'In the four minutes I had to waste while waiting for the metro to come, I counted 37 people walk by, stop, and stare at this ad.

Fallout 3 Washington Monument

For those who don’t know, Fallout 3 takes place in a post-apocalyptic DC, and word on the street is that you can play down in the metro tunnels in addition to roaming the streets. Anyway, the crumbling Washington Monument and mutated American flag caught a lot of eyes, and people STARED.' These subway ads are only the first step in the marketing campaign for this upcoming title, as Bethesda has stated that bus ads in Washington and in other major cities are going to be employed soon.As long as nobody gets offended, this should only work in the developer's favor. The marketing campaign is very well done and people are certainly going to take notice of this game.

In making Fallout 3, Bethesda recreated Washington D.C. And the surrounding area surprisingly accurately (though distances were significantly shrunk). The resemblance was too strong for some - certain D.C. Residents werewhich depicted their city in ruins, claiming they didn't need to be reminded that D.C.


Is a prime target for terrorist attacks. Apparently no one told them that D.C. Is destroyed in nearly every hypothetical war/alien invasion.Not being residents of D.C.,Fallout3 gave us the perfect opportunity to take a tour of the area without actually having to get off our asses and do something. Sure, most of it's rubble, but we got the gist, and it's accurate enough. Enough, at least, to stick screenshots next to photos and look at them.The Washington MonumentPhoto by NCinDC (Flickr)A perfect resemblance!