Download Game Hamsterball Full Version
- Download Hamsterball. Race along in a hamster ball trying to steer before you crash. The game mostly concentrates on speed because there is a timer and if you do not make it to the bottom before the timer is up, then you lose the level. You also lose the level if your character dies in some way, such as by falling off the track.
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Download Game Hamsterball Full Version Free Pc
Download Game House Hamsterball Free - Kalau game yg satu ini emang buat anak-anak hehe. Di komputer saya juga yg mainin keponakan saya, game Hamsterball ini emang cukup asyik buat dimainkan kita cuma perlu mengeser mouse atau pad tanda panah lalu mengarahkan si hamster sampai ke garis finish mudah sekali, & tidak ada salahnya jika anda ikut mencobanya karena selain game Hamster Ball ini. Command and conquer 3 walkthrough.