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Using FTPHere is another way to easily transfer files between your laptop and Android phone. Prerequisite:. Install on your AndroidProcedure:.If both your Android and Ubuntu are connected to the same WiFi (same LAN), skip to step 3.

Otherwise, create a WiFi hotspot on your Android:.Connect your laptop to this WiFi network.Open ES File Explorer and open left-side menu.Go to Network - Remote Manager.Turn on the FTP Server and note down the IP:port address.Open Nautilus file explorer on Ubuntu. In connect to URL, type your phone's FTP server URL (from the previous step) and click on Connect.If you need, You can set user name and password in ES File Explorer. By default, It will be public (anonymous).In your PC, click on Connect. You can use the username and password that you set in ES File Explorer and connect as registered user.Now the internal memory of your phone is mounted. You can copy new files, remove files, do anything.If you wish to mount your SD card, you can set that in ES File Explorer settings. You can now send any files from your phone with ShareIt app to linux without any setup. ShareIt has got a feature 'New Way of Connect to PC' which directly uses hotspot of the mobile to send file to PC.To use it: Open ShareIt app - Scroll Down to above option and follow the instructions.Basically, at the receiving end, you need to connect to the host WiFi hotspot and navigate to a URL using a simple browser to download things.

Heaven 32.com Download Zapya Windows 7 Free

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The ShareIt app serves the shared files at a local URL over it's network which can be downloaded via browser after connecting to hotspot.Edit: This is not related to ShareIt but I find Xender app much more easy and fast to connect to PC and transfer files. Just navigate to web.xender.com scan QR code from its app and there! You are good to go!!