Dragon Quest 9 Mini Medals
While playing the game you will find numerous items called Mini Medals. In the town of Dourbridge, you can give these to a pirate king who lives there, and he will give you rare items in exchange.After you've given him 80 Mini Medals, he will sell you rare items.
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Cheats For DS. Secret shop in DourbridgeIf you go around to the back of the village shop in Dourbridge, there is a hidden door. Enter it (requires the Ultimate Key), and then you see a flight of stairs.

Dragon Quest 9 Mini Medal Prizes
Go down the stairs, and you can get into a secret shop with rare items.Contributed by:MilesPrower01. Item Duplication Through Ad-hocTo do this trick, connect your DQIX to someone else. Give them any items you can, then shut your game off WITHOUT leaving their world. Since you never saved after leaving their world, you'll still have the items you traded, and so will they!Contributed by:SeraphinEveles. Money ExploitAt the Stornway Inn Party Editor you can recruit multiple party characters (Warriors work best for this), and then part with them.
Dragon Quest 9 Mini Medal Cheat
This gives you their starting gear free and clear for you to sell at the local shop giving you some easy cash early in the game.Contributed by:Azrielnagol. Mini Medal RewardsWhile playing the game you will find numerous items called Mini Medals. In the town of Dourbridge, you can give these to a pirate king who lives there, and he will give you rare items in exchange.After you've given him 80 Mini Medals, he will sell you rare items.

I would greatly appreciate this since the 28 I've collected were wiped. I just would like to get them back. I found this code: Full Mini Medals. In Dragon Quest IX for the DS, there are special items called mini medals that you can use to purchase some regular, and rare items. In Dourbridge, visit the pirate king Cap’n Max Meddlin and you can give him the mini medals for a reward.